Imagine a tall glass of water in the middle of the desert, CANDY quenches the thirst of every guy she meets! This Barbie Bombshell has the energy of a teenager with the sophistication of a Trophy wife.



The ladies all whisper to each other when they hear you’re coming to town. By the time you step in the club, the girls are already bringing you your favorite drink. You know the girls intimate secrets and have access to them whenever you want. You’re always in control. This 12 month package is the perfect fit for you, it fits the lifestyle you live and gives you unlimited access to the ladies you desire.


$ 44.99

Sugardaddy Membership Package is just 44.99 per month

  • Free Club Entry. Free Welcome Drink
  • 10% Discount on VIP Sections. 10% Discount on Food
  • Guaranteed Seat Availability and Access to Photo Gallery
  • Free 10-minute neck massage. Free Welcome Water
  • Free Lap Dance. Access to Dancer Content


Every time you walk into the club, people stop and take notice. You make it rain to establish order in the club. The ladies stop what they are doing just to sit with you. Choose this 6-month option to separate yourself from the common members.


$ 34.99

Rainmaker Package

34.99 per month –

  • Free Club Entry. Free Welcome Drink
  • 10% Discount on VIP Sections. 10% Discount on Food
  • Guaranteed Seat Availability and Access to Photo Gallery
  • Free 10-minute neck massage. Free Welcome Water. Free Lap Dance.

all the ladies know you by name. You know that membership has its priveledges and you have benefited over time. You’re not new to this, so pick this 3-month option to give yourself the status you deserve amongst the elite club regulars.


$ 24.99

Hightipper Package

24.99 per month –

  • Free Club Entry. Free Welcome Water
  • 10% Discount on VIP Sections. 10% Discount on Food
  • Guaranteed Seat Availability and Access to Photo Gallery


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